
On the power of standard information for tractability for $L_\infty$ approximation of periodic functions in the worst case setting.
Document Type
Geng, Jiaxin (PRC-CAP-SM) AMS Author Profile; Wang, Heping (PRC-CAP-SM) AMS Author Profile
Journal of Complexity (J. Complexity) (20240101), 80, Paper No 101790, 25~pp. ISSN: 0885-064X (print).eISSN: 1090-2708.
46 Functional analysis -- 46E Linear function spaces and their duals
  46E22 Hilbert spaces with reproducing kernels

65 Numerical analysis -- 65D Numerical approximation and computational geometry
  65D15 Algorithms for functional approximation

65 Numerical analysis -- 65Y Computer aspects of numerical algorithms
  65Y20 Complexity and performance of numerical algorithms
In this very interesting paper the authors study various notions of tractability for approximation (or optimal recovery) of functions in the uniform norm. It is proved that quite often function values give the same tractability results as general linear information. For such results one needs suitable algorithms and new upper bounds. The authors use weighted least squares methods and a subsampling technique to get improved upper bounds. Here the authors continue the recent work of M. Dolbeault, D.~W. Krieg and M. Ullrich [Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. {\bf 63} (2023), 113--134; MR4525968].