
Automorphisms of abelian $p$-groups and hypo residual finiteness.
Document Type
Hausen, Jutta AMS Author Profile
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova. The Mathematical Journal of the University of Padova (Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova) (19710101), 45, 145-156. ISSN: 0041-8994 (print).
20 Group theory and generalizations -- 20E Structure and classification of infinite or finite groups
  20E15 Chains and lattices of subgroups, subnormal subgroups
If $X$ is a group, define $\scr R(X)$ to be the intersection of all normal subgroups of $X$ of finite index. Let $\scr R_\mu(X)$ be $\scr R(\scr R_{\mu-1}(X))$ if $\mu$ has a predecessor and $\scr R(X)=\bigcap_{\lambda<\mu}\scr R_\lambda(X)$ if $\mu$ is a limit ordinal. This gives a descending chain of subgroups, and the first ordinal $\lambda$ for which $\scr R_\lambda(X)=1$ is called by the author the ``length of the chain of higher residua of $X$''. We will refer to it as the ``$\scr R$-length of $X$'' for brevity. \par The main result concerns the relation between the $\scr R$-length of $G$, an abelian $p$-group, and the $\scr R$-length of $A(G)$, its group of automorphisms. For such groups $G$, $\scr R(G)=p^\omega G$. Therefore, let the Ulm type of $G$ be $\tau$, and express $\tau$ in normal expansion form: $\tau=\omega^\alpha\cdot n+\omega^{\alpha_1}\cdot n_1+\cdots+\omega^{\alpha_k}\cdot n_k$, where $\alpha>\alpha_1>\cdots>\alpha_k$ are ordinals and $n,n_1,\cdots,n_k$ are positive integers. Let $n<2^m$ for some integer $m$. Then the author gives the following theorem: If $\lambda$ is the least ordinal such that $\scr R_\lambda(A(G))=1$ then $\lambda\leq\omega\alpha+m+2$. \par \{The reader may find this paper easier to read if he observes that $p^\alpha$ and $\scr R$ are radicals [see R. J. Nunke, Math. Z. {\bf 101} (1967), 182--212; MR0218452 (36 \#1538)]. Then Lemmas 2.1 and 3.1 are obvious.\} \par The author also explains the connection between $\scr R$-length and the shortest length of chains of subgroups with residually finite factors.