
Résolution de l'équation cohomologique discrète d'un $\Bbb C^2$-automorphisme singulier.
Document Type
Adou, Tano Eric (IV-ENSA-LM) AMS Author Profile; Diallo, Hassimiou (IV-ENSA-LM) AMS Author Profile
Africa Mathematics Annals. AFMA. A Pan African Journal of Mathematics (Afr. Math. Ann. AFMA) (20180101), 7, 163-181. ISSN: 2305-3836 (print).eISSN: 2218-4414.
37 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory -- 37C Smooth dynamical systems: general theory
  37C85 Dynamics of group actions other than ${\bf Z}$ and ${\bf R}$, and foliations
Given a dynamical system $\phi\:X\to X$ on a topological space $X$, and a (numerical) function $h$ defined on $X$, the corresponding cohomological equation is the equation ${u\circ\phi-u=h}$, where the function $u$ is the unknown. Various problems in dynamical systems can be stated in terms of measuring the obstructions to solving a cohomological equation, in appropriate functional spaces. The paper under review studies the case of dynamical systems on $\Bbb{C}^2$ defined by linear automorphisms $A=\left(\smallmatrix a&1\\0&a\endsmallmatrix\right)$, with ${a\in\{\omega\in\Bbb{C}\,:\, |\omega|=1\}}$, in the functional space of holomorphic functions $\Cal{H}{\rm ol}(\Bbb{C}^2)$ (for linear automorphisms of $\Bbb{C}^2$, this is the only case which is not discussed in [A. El~Kacimi-Alaoui and T. Sohou, Proyecciones {\bf 22} (2003), no.~3, 243--271; MR2146077]). The authors prove that when $a$ is a root of unity, or $a$ is Diophantine, the unique obstructions to solving the corresponding cohomological equation on $\Cal{H}{\rm ol}(\Bbb{C}^2)$ are the obvious ones, in contrast to the case of Liouville $a$.

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