
Quantum cosmology in $f(Q)$ theory.
Document Type
Dimakis, N. (PRC-SUN-CP) AMS Author Profile; Paliathanasis, A. (SA-DUT-ISY) AMS Author Profile; Christodoulakis, T. (GR-UATH-P) AMS Author Profile
Classical and Quantum Gravity (Classical Quantum Gravity) (20210101), 38, no.~22, Paper No 225003, 25~pp. ISSN: 0264-9381 (print).eISSN: 1361-6382.
83 Relativity and gravitational theory -- 83C General relativity
  83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field

83 Relativity and gravitational theory -- 83F Cosmology
  83F05 Cosmology
Summary: ``We use Dirac's method for the quantization of constrained systems in order to quantize a spatially flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker spacetime in the context of $f (Q)$ cosmology. When the coincident gauge is considered, the resulting minisuperspace system possesses second class constraints. This distinguishes the quantization process from the typical Wheeler-DeWitt quantization, which is applied for cosmological models where only first class constraints are present (e.g. for models in general relativity or in $f(R)$ gravity). We introduce the Dirac brackets, find appropriate canonical coordinates and then apply the canonical quantization procedure. We perform this method both in vacuum and in the presence of matter: a minimally coupled scalar field and a perfect fluid with a linear equation of state. We demonstrate that the matter content changes significantly the quantization procedure, with the perfect fluid even requiring to put in use the theory of fractional quantum mechanics in which the power of the momentum in the Hamiltonian is associated with the fractal dimension of a Lévy flight. The results of this analysis can be applied in $f(T)$ teleparallel cosmology, since $f (Q)$ and $f(T)$ theories have the same degrees of freedom and same dynamical constraints in cosmological studies.''