
The Transition to ESSA: State and District Approaches to Implementing Title I and Title II-A in 2017-18. Supplemental Volume. NCEE 2021-002sv
Document Type
Reports - Research
Numerical/Quantitative Data
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance. 2020.
Educational Legislation
Federal Legislation
Elementary Secondary Education
Academic Standards
Teacher Effectiveness
Administrator Effectiveness
Educational Change
Educational Assessment
School Districts
Educational Improvement
School Effectiveness
Data Use
Faculty Development
Graduation Requirements
School Choice
Teacher Evaluation
Administrator Evaluation
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), originally passed in 1965, is the primary federal law related to K-12 schooling. Title I and Title II-A are core ESEA programs, and they intend to help provide all students with equal access to education by providing financial assistance to schools and districts with a high percentage of students from low-income families (Title I) and by improving teacher and principal quality (Title II-A). ESEA's latest reauthorization as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in 2015 changed a number of policies related to Title I and Title II-A. How states and districts respond to these changes will determine whether ESSA stimulates educational improvement as intended. This document comprehensively presents national information from a study conducted by the National Center for Education Evaluation (NCEE). The study tracks the implementation of Title I and Title II-A across several key time points. This document covers the 2017-18 school year, as states and districts were transitioning to ESSA. It also includes information to compare implementation with the 2013-14 school year, prior to ESSA. Chapter 1 provides information on the study methodology, including the sample, data sources, and statistical tests used. Chapter 2 includes a comprehensive compendium of tables using the 2017-18 data, and where feasible, includes comparisons to the 2013-14 data. Chapter 3 includes the survey instruments used to collect the implementation data from 2017-18 and 2013-14. This document is a supplemental companion to the report entitled, The Transition to ESSA: State and District Approaches to Implementing Title I and Title II-A in 2017-18. The report synthesizes the data in this document into a set of key findings. [For "The Transition to ESSA: State and District Approaches to Implementing Title I and Title II-A in 2017-18. Evaluation Report. NCEE 2021-002," see ED609179. For "The Transition to ESSA: State and District Approaches to Implementing Title I and Title II-A in 2017-18. Study Highlights. NCEE 2021-002," see ED609181.]