
Assessing Pittsburgh's Science- and Technology-Focused Workforce Ecosystem. Research Report. RR-A1882-1
Document Type
Reports - Research
RAND Corporation. 2023.
Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh)
Over the past decade, more than 10 billion dollars has been invested in Pittsburgh tech companies, with more than 3.5 billion invested in 2021 alone (Burkholder, 2022). More recently, tens of millions of dollars were invested in the Pitt BioForge Biomanufacturing Center that will soon be home to ElevateBio and other biotech companies (Conway, 2022). Such strong sectoral growth raises the following questions: What kinds of jobs are needed for and supported by this growth? and What investments should be made to continue propelling the region's science- and technology-focused (STF) sectors into the future? With this context in mind, RAND Corporation researchers set out to characterize the STF workforce ecosystem in the Pittsburgh region and suggest policy changes and investment opportunities to "future-proof" the ecosystem. In this report, the authors discuss the findings from a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the STF workforce ecosystem in the seven-county Pittsburgh region. This assessment focuses on the demand for and supply of STF workers, training pipelines, anticipated growth, unique regional assets, and liabilities for supporting Pittsburgh's STF ecosystem. The findings and recommendations are intended for local education and training institutions, workforce centers, employers, economic development organizations, policymakers, funders, and residents of the Pittsburgh region. [This study was supported by the Henry L. Hillman Foundation. For the appendixes to this report, see ED626001.]

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