
Processing Procedure on Recruiting Community College Students by Telephone at Los Angeles City College.
Document Type
Guides - General
Community Colleges
Enrollment Trends
Literature Reviews
Program Costs
Student Recruitment
Two Year Colleges
In order to overcome the trend toward declining enrollment at Los Angeles City College (LACC), a campaign is planned to recruit students by telephone. In all, 56,530 phone calls will be made by trained students selected from a list of counseling majors, and a list of students who work as peer counselors at college and high schools. The first 7,000 calls will be made to persons who are already familiar with LACC. The second group of calls will be made to persons living in the Northeast Los Angeles area who have not had contact with LACC. A cost analysis indicates that additional telephone bills and recruiter salaries will total approximately $9,057 for the six month program. If the recruiters increase enrollment 10 percent over fall 1973 (1,918 new students), and if each student takes at least one three-unit course, LACC could receive between $20,000 and $670,000, depending on the persistence of the students. A time frame for implementation of the project is presented, as are methods for analyzing the data, and a survey of the literature is included. (NHM)