
If Your Child Learns in Two Languages: A Parent's Guide for Improving Educational Opportunities for Children Acquiring English as a Second Language = Si su nino aprende en dos idiomes: Una guia para que las familias sepan como mejorar las oportunidades educativas de los ninos que adquieren el ingles como segunda lengua = Neu lon Ban Hoc Bang Hai Thu Tieng: Chi-nam cua phu-huynh de cai tien co hoi hoc van cua con em dang hoc Anh van nhu sinh ngu thu hai.
Document Type
Guides - Non-Classroom
Multilingual/Bilingual Materials
U.S.; District of Columbia
This guide, in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese, aims to inform parents of students who have learned or are learning English as a Second Language about appropriate approaches for educating children so that they can work with schools to ensure a high quality education for their children. The emphasis is on explaining the laws, schools, and research related to the education of the English language learners (ELL). It is hoped that this information will help parents understand and participate in the education of their ELL child. Covered topics include the following: the benefits of learning two languages, how parents can determine if the school is meeting the academic needs of their children, what the characteristics of effective schooling for ELLs are, how schools determine if a child needs English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) help, the academic requirements of ESL students, federal policies and programs that can assist parents in monitoring the quality of the education schools are providing, a comparison of educational systems in the United States with those in other countries, and where additional information can be found. Thirteen sources of additional resources are provided. (KFT)