
Teaching Approaches of Expert Educators to L.V. Beethoven Piano Sonata 'Op. 57 No: 23 Fa Minör Appassionata'
Document Type
Journal Articles
Reports - Research
Yürük, Faki Can (ORCID 0000-0001-6719-0804); Türkmen, Ugur
International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction. 2022 14(2):1471-1491.
One of the most important names in the history of classical music is the Flemish-born German composer and pianist Ludwig van Beethoven. Op.57 No.23 "Appassionata", composed by the composer, one of the Viennese classics, in the second period of his musical life, which was divided into three, is a magnificent work that takes a different place in piano literature. This study, it is aimed to reveal the similarities and differences of the teaching approaches towards this sonata with the masterclass study conducted by three expert piano educators who have been trained in different schools and schools with a piano student who received proficiency in the art. In line with this purpose, the verbal and nonverbal behaviors of the experts in general, similar, and different aspects in terms of teaching the work, styles-technical, etc. approaches motivation of the student, relieving anxiety and stress, verbal and non-verbal behaviors towards the composer, the piece, the period, the interpretation of the work and the use of time. It was tried to observe their approach towards the subject and other behaviors that they paid attention to during the Masterclass. In the qualitative and descriptive study, the data were collected according to the observation and content analysis technique and analyzed according to the qualitative research methods. It is thought that the study is important and original in terms of revealing the different approaches of expert piano educators in teaching the piece, and examining these differences, in terms of contributing to a pianist's thoughts about the piece and enabling them to synthesize, and it will be a source for similar studies.