
Flipped Dialogic Learning Method with ChatGPT: A Case Study
Document Type
Journal Articles
Reports - Research
Nataliya Hristova Pavlova (ORCID 0000-0001-8984-7803)
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education. 2024 19(1).
Teaching Methods
Mathematics Instruction
Artificial Intelligence
Case Studies
Dialogs (Language)
Mathematics Teachers
Preservice Teachers
Teacher Education Programs
Flipped Classroom
Learning Management Systems
This article presents a case study and ideas to flip classical dialogic learning method. Some possibilities of using ChatGPT to stimulate the active role of the student in the dialogic teaching method are shown. Data from observations of students training to be teachers of mathematics and informatics in their work with artificial intelligence (AI) are presented. A model for the application of the flipped dialogue in the education of students is proposed. An example of dialogue is given. The study concludes that that the main advantages of using flipped dialog learning with AI are easy access to the platforms, the lack of stress and stimulating the research qualities of students when searching for specific information or stimulating the system to make mistakes. The ability to ask the right leading questions and to detect the gaps of the "interlocutor" are important competencies applicable in dealing with life's problems.