
Statement of Facts for 1982 City-Wide Mock Trial Competitions. Vincent Taylor, Plaintiff v. Lance Memorial Hospital for Women, Raymond Miller, M.D., and Dorothy Dillon, R.N., Defendants. No. MT-82.
Document Type
Guides - Classroom - Learner
Guides - Classroom - Teacher
Citizenship Education
Civil Law
Court Litigation
Equal Opportunities (Jobs)
Instructional Materials
Law Related Education
Secondary Education
Sex Bias
Social Studies
Prepared by the District of Columbia Street Law Project for its 11th annual city-wide mock trial competition, this instructional handout provides material for a civil trial over a disputed discriminatory termination of employment. Vincent Taylor claims that the Lance Memorial Hospital for Women fired him on the basis of his sex. The hospital claims that Taylor was discharged for negligence, lack of cooperation, and inadequate patient care. The handout clarifies the laws and explains the legal precedents. As evidence, the handout provides a policy statement of the hospital about male nurses; the refusal to transfer Taylor to the cardiac care unit; Taylor's performance record; the letter that terminated his employment; and witness statements from Taylor, a co-worker at the hospital, the former nursing director who hired Taylor, the present director who fired him, the chief administrator of the hospital, and a patient who was dissatisfied with Taylor. Through participation in mock trials and analysis of the activity, students gain an insider's perspective on courtroom procedure and a basic understanding of the legal mechanism through which society resolves its disputes. Mock trials develop critical analysis, questioning and listening skills, and skills in preparing and organizing materials. (JD)

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