
Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2021: Volume 1, Secondary School Students
Document Type
Reports - Research
Numerical/Quantitative Data
Institute for Social Research. 2022.
Substance Abuse
Grade 8
Grade 10
Grade 12
National Surveys
Secondary School Students
Student Attitudes
Peer Influence
Age Differences
Social Influences
Context Effect
Gender Differences
College Bound Students
Geographic Regions
Population Trends
Socioeconomic Status
Racial Differences
Head Injuries
Social Media
Depression (Psychology)
Parent Influence
Alcohol Abuse
Drug Abuse
Individual Characteristics
Monitoring the Future (MTF) is designed to give attention to substance use among the nation's youth and adults. It is an investigator-initiated study that originated with, and is conducted by, a team of research professors at the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. Since its onset in 1975, MTF has been funded continuously by the National Institute on Drug Abuse--one of the National Institutes of Health--under a series of peer reviewed, competitive research grants. The 2021 survey, reported here, is the 47th consecutive survey of 12th grade students and the 31st such survey of 8th and 10th graders (who were added to the study in 1991). MTF contains ongoing national surveys of both adolescents and adults in the United States. It provides the nation with a vital window into the important but often hidden problem behaviors of use of illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and psychotherapeutic drugs (used without a doctor's orders). For more than four decades, MTF has helped provide a clearer view of the changing topography of these problems among adolescents and adults, a better understanding of the dynamics of factors that drive some of these problems, and a better understanding of some of their consequences. It has also given policymakers, government agencies, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in the field some practical approaches for intervening. Two of the major topics included in the present volume are: (1) the "prevalence and frequency" of use of a great many substances, both licit and illicit, among U.S. secondary school students in 8th, 10th, and 12th grades; and (2) "historical trends" in use by students in those grades. Distinctions are made among important demographic subgroups in these populations based on gender, college plans, region of the country, population density, parent education, and race/ethnicity. MTF has demonstrated that key attitudes and beliefs about drug use are important determinants of usage trends, in particular the amount of risk to the user perceived to be associated with the various drugs and disapproval of using them; thus, those measures also are tracked over time, as are students' perceptions of certain relevant aspects of the social environment--in particular, perceived availability, peer norms, use by friends, and exposure to use by others of the various drugs. Data on grade of first use, discontinuation of use, trends in use in lower grades, and intensity of use are also reported here. [For "Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2020. Volume I, Secondary School Students," see ED615087.]