
District of Columbia Public Schools State Accountability Plan. Consolidated State Application Accountability Workbook. Revised
Document Type
Reports - Descriptive
US Department of Education. 2006.
District of Columbia
The State Accountability Plan submitted on May 1, 2003 and revised on June 3, 2003 details the proposed policies and procedures relating to the District of Columbia Public Schools State Education Agency (DCPS-SEA) Assessment and Accountability Policy. It includes the development, implementation and monitoring of a comprehensive accountability system for all public schools in the District of Columbia, including Public Charter Schools. All students are held to the same standards and will participate in a State assessment aligned to the State academic standards. Assessment data are made public to inform parents and community members about student achievement by school, Local Education Agency (LEA), and the SEA. Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in academic achievement, as measured by the state assessment and additional academic indicators, is expected for all students at the school, district and state level. Where AYP is not made for two consecutive years, a school, district or state will be identified as "in need of improvement." The DCPS-SEA Accountability System fulfills all municipal and federal requirements and regulations associated with the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). The 2003 State Accountability Plan and the proposed changes follows the format of the workbook required by the Department of Education for the 2003 Consolidated State Application Accountability Workbook and is organized around ten accountability "principles" as required by NCLB. (Contains 2 footnotes.)