
Are Community Colleges Right for South Africa?
Document Type
Opinion Papers
Speeches/Meeting Papers
South Africa
Post-apartheid South Africa has been struggling with the question of how to restructure its institutions of higher education to both foster an equitable society and contribute to economic and technological development. Proponents of community colleges in the United States suggest that these institutions may best meet South Africa's needs. Community colleges or similar institutions have developed across the world and, despite differences in governance and mission, face similar challenges related to articulation with the indigenous educational system, quality control, and developing a mix of programs to meet both local and general needs. Changes in South Africa have made the nation ripe for educational reform, but the country's economic growth depends upon an educated workforce and the elimination of social barriers. The national Commission of Higher Education, formed in 1995, is seeking a centrally controlled governance system for the nation's higher education. Community colleges, however, are intended to be locally-steered institutions, responding to the market over state regulation and enjoying considerable autonomy. While community colleges may be able to provide the skills training needed by South Africa and help redress social inequities, care must be taken that they do not become additional tools for separating the countries ethnic groups. Community colleges should maintain high standards for both black and white students and operate under agreed-upon goals. Contains 40 references. (HAA)