
Using Text Documents from American Memory.
Document Type
Collected Works - Serials
Guides - Non-Classroom
Source: A Newsletter of Practical Teaching Ideas for American Memory Users. Jan 2002 (3).
Elementary Secondary Education
Primary Sources
Social Studies
United States History
This publication contains classroom-tested teaching ideas. For grades K-4, "'Blessed Ted-fred': Famous Fathers Write to Their Children" uses American Memory for primary source letters written by Theodore Roosevelt and Alexander Graham Bell to their children. For grades 5-8, "Found Poetry and the American Life Histories Collection," teachers find the interviews in the American Life Histories to be rich resources for creating poetry. For grade 9-12, "Using the American Memory Timeline to Learn about Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877" provides a model for how the American Memory Timeline can be used in U.S. history classes the model is adaptable to any era covered in the timeline. In the feature article, "Evaluating Historical Sources," James R. Giese reminds teachers to consider issues of reliability, bias, and accuracy as they teach students to use primary sources. The "Tech Tip" section contains "Printing Documents for Offline Use by Students." (BT)