
High School Benchmarks 2023: National College Progression Rates
Document Type
Numerical/Quantitative Data
Reports - Descriptive
National Student Clearinghouse. 2023.
College Enrollment
Academic Persistence
High School Graduates
Institutional Characteristics
Age Differences
Graduation Rate
College Attendance
This report contains college enrollment, persistence, and completion outcomes of high school graduating students based on the data submitted to the National Student Clearinghouse on graduating classes of 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. High school diploma data are submitted to the Clearinghouse by schools and districts that participate in the StudentTracker for High Schools (STHS) service. The outcomes are presented by type of college attended, including public and private institutions, two-year and four-year institutions, and in-state and out-of-state institutions. The results presented in the report center on the following outcomes: (1) College enrollment in the first fall after high school graduation, first year after high school graduation, and first two years after high school graduation; (2) Persistence from the first to the second year of college; and (3) College completion within six years after high school graduation.