
Transfer and Progress: Fall 2022 Report. First in the Series
Document Type
Reports - Research
Numerical/Quantitative Data
National Student Clearinghouse. 2023.
College Transfer Students
Undergraduate Students
Enrollment Trends
Community College Students
Guided Pathways
Outcomes of Education
Reverse Transfer Students
Transfer Rates (College)
In State Students
Out of State Students
Gender Differences
Institutional Characteristics
Age Differences
Racial Differences
Low Income Students
Time to Degree
This new series is a redesign of the NSC Research Center's two primary transfer reports, combining the enrollment focus of the "COVID-19 Transfer, Mobility, and Progress" reports (how many students enrolled as a transfer within a current term), with the outcomes focus of the "Tracking Transfer" reports (what percent of entering community college students reach transfer and completion milestones within six years). It also expands on these reports with additional levels of disaggregation and introduces a new experimental measure of students' income background. This new research illustrates how closely postsecondary transfer pathways track students' socioeconomic circumstances before and after the pandemic began. The new series also significantly expands upon "Tracking Transfer" by additionally analyzing more recent cohort years of community college starters beyond those that began 7-8 years earlier. Coming out of the pandemic, it is particularly valuable for understanding how these pandemic-era starting cohorts fared in their early college careers compared to pre-pandemic cohorts. As data accumulates over time, we can also compare baccalaureate degree attainment rates within six years of enrolling for pandemic-affected cohorts. This redesigned and expanded report series aims to better serve the education community with new, timely, and detailed data that are only available through the Clearinghouse. These include, but are not limited to, postsecondary participation, mobility, and progress among economically disadvantaged students, disparities in pandemic recovery across differing student and institutional characteristics, and early success indicators for the recent freshman classes at community colleges, the hardest hit sector of higher education during the pandemic. This series was created with the urgent need for timely information in mind, to help educational leaders and policy makers address enduring enrollment impacts from the pandemic. This first report in the annual Transfer and Progress series covers 11.5 million undergraduate students without a prior bachelor's degree that were enrolled in fall 2022 in a three-year fixed panel of institutions (fall 2020 to 2022), representing approximately 89.0% of the Clearinghouse universe of institutions. Additionally, to establish the pre-pandemic baseline for all newly introduced metrics, an expanded five-year fixed panel of institutions (fall 2018 to fall 2022) was employed, that represents 11 million undergraduates without a prior bachelor's degree and 83.8% of the Clearinghouse universe of institutions.