
Innovating at Scale: Guided Pathways Adoption and Early Student Momentum among the AACC Pathways Colleges. Report
Document Type
Reports - Research
Community College Research Center, Teachers College, Columbia University. 2023.
Educational Innovation
Community Colleges
Program Implementation
Educational Change
Educational Practices
Career Development
Majors (Students)
Educational Trends
Change Strategies
Outcomes of Education
College Programs
Student Experience
In 2015, the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) announced the AACC Pathways Project, a national initiative designed to support a cohort of community colleges to implement and scale whole-college guided pathways reforms. When the project launched, guided pathways was still a new idea. Yet, momentum was building around a set of research-based design principles organized under four areas of practice intended to help colleges reimagine how students enter and complete programs of study aligned with advancement in the workforce or transfer in a major. Over the course of the project, which ended in spring 2022, the participating colleges focused on implementing and scaling practices within the four practice areas of the guided pathways framework: (1) mapping pathways to students' end goals, (2) helping students choose and enter a program, (3) keeping students on a path, and (4) ensuring that students are learning. This framework has since been adopted by hundreds of other colleges across more than a dozen states that are leading guided pathways initiatives (CCRC, 2021). Seven years since the project began, these colleges have made impressive progress adopting guided pathways practices at scale. Colleges that have adopted the model more comprehensively are seeing promising trends in leading indicators of success for their students. This report draws on interviews conducted in spring 2022 with guided pathways leaders at the 30 AACC Pathways colleges. It also presents data from the Guided Pathways Scale of Adoption Assessment (SOAA) distributed to all 30 colleges and trend data on students' early momentum at each college through the 2020-21 academic year.