
Designing Activities to Teach Higher-Order Skills: How Feedback and Constraint Affect Learning of Experimental Design
Document Type
Journal Articles
Reports - Research
CBE - Life Sciences Education. 2024 23(1).
Active learning approaches to biology teaching, including simulation-based activities, are known to enhance student learning, especially of higher-order skills; nonetheless, there are still many open questions about what features of an activity promote optimal learning. Here we designed three versions of a simulation-based tutorial called Understanding Experimental Design that asks students to design experiments and collect data to test their hypotheses. The three versions vary the experimental design task along the axes of feedback and constraint, where constraint measures how much choice students have in performing a task. Using a variety of assessments, we ask whether each of those features affects student learning of experimental design. We find that feedback has a direct positive effect on learning. We further find that small changes in constraint have only subtle and mostly indirect effects on learning. This work suggests that designers of tools for teaching higher-order skills should strive to include feedback to increase impact and may feel freer to vary the degree of constraint within a range to optimize for other features such as the ability to provide immediate feedback and time-on-task.