
Think Again: Is Grade Retention Bad for Kids?
Document Type
Reports - Evaluative
Thomas B. Fordham Institute. 2023.
Grade Repetition
Program Effectiveness
Cost Effectiveness
Student Needs
At Risk Students
Educational Research
Student Promotion
Elementary School Students
Middle School Students
Social Promotion
For many years, the conventional wisdom in the field was that grade retention was a bad idea. A 1997 opinion piece in "Education Week" titled "Grade retention doesn't work" reflected the prevailing sentiment in the education community and the available research evidence at that time: retained students performed worse than their promoted peers in the years that followed. This brief challenges that notion, based on more recent studies that do a better job of isolating the causal effect of retention. Key Questions: (1) Can grade retention be beneficial for students?; (2) What risks are associated with retention?; and (3) Is grade retention too costly for school systems?.