
Views of Prospective Science Teachers on Teaching Patriotism Value within the Scope of Science Class
Document Type
Journal Articles
Reports - Research
Mevlüt Gündüz (ORCID 0000-0001-5823-190X); Hasan Polat (ORCID 0000-0001-6208-114X)
International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research. 2023 10(3):555-568.
In this study, the value of patriotism, which is one of the ten core values that students should acquire in the science course, was selected. In this context, the aim of the study is to reveal the views of pre-service science teachers on the teaching of patriotism and examine them in the context of value teaching. In this study, holistic single-case design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The research was conducted with pre-service science teachers studying at Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Education in the 2019-2020 academic year. All the data in the study were obtained with the "Semi-Structured Interview Form," developed by the researcher and consisting of open-ended questions. To ensure the reliability of the research, three expert opinions were consulted. The reliability of the research was calculated using the Miles and Huberman formula (reliability = agreement / agreement + disagreement) by determining the number of agreements and disagreements in the comparisons. In the analysis of the data in the study, both descriptive and content analysis were used as qualitative analysis techniques. According to the findings obtained in the study, most pre-service science teachers do not have much knowledge about value teaching approaches (indoctrination, value clarification, value analysis, moral dilemma, etc.), they consider patriotism as consciousness, responsibility, sacrifice and sense of unity and solidarity, they think that patriotism value is not sufficiently included in the curriculum, they have almost half and half different opinions about the effectiveness of the science course in teaching patriotism value, that it is necessary to go beyond the official curriculum when teaching this value, that they will mostly use methods such as excursion and drama when teaching values, that they will mostly prefer materials such as films and documentaries when teaching values, that scientists will want to serve their own countries more in the context of patriotism, and that most of the pre-service teachers have high beliefs about teaching the value of patriotism. As a result of this research, it was concluded that for pre-service science teachers to teach the value of patriotism effectively, they should encounter more value teaching studies both in the dimension of curriculum and during their education life in the faculty to increase their awareness levels about this value.