
We Were the Glue: Contributions, Compromises, and Continuing Concerns of School Librarians during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Document Type
Reports - Research
Valenza, Joyce Kasman (ORCID 0000-0002-9951-2772); Boyer, BrendaMohamad, Gihan (ORCID 0000-0002-7216-5328); Bushby, Rebecca (ORCID 0000-0003-2982-3193); Elliott, Ewa Dziedzic
Online Submission. 2023.
High Schools
School Libraries
Library Role
Librarian Attitudes
Online Courses
Purpose: This study examined a criterion-based sample of high school librarians who met AASL's definition of effective school library practice to uncover how they translated their professional practices during COVID-19. Methods: Three instruments were used to compare pre-COVID-19 school librarian practice with its evolution during two specific points during the pandemic. High School Librarian Survey 1 (Pre-COVID) (S1) provided a baseline view into the pre-COVID-19 practice of purposively sampled participants; open-ended Survey 2 (S2) and a follow-up focus group (FG) uncovered their practice at two specific points during the crisis and explored how librarians' priorities shifted. Results: The instruments which collected librarian perceptions, revealed that while librarians supported and contributed to their learning communities in essential ways, they were also forced to compromise their priorities. Librarians furthered their leadership roles, supported learning communities, exhibited resilience and integrity, and worked to assure equitable access to learning tools and reading materials. Yet, these efforts went largely unreported. Limited contact with teacher partners and classrooms compromised librarians' engagement with information literacy and inquiry instruction. Implications: Recommendations for future research include exploring how recognized gaps in information literacy learning and instruction may have been recovered since the pandemic and how school librarians' roles may have shifted and been impacted by the pandemic. Resources: Research instruments are collected on this LibGuide. https://comminfo.libguides.com/FirstYearsFrames/ResearchInstruments