
Workplace Keys. Piloting the Key Competencies in Workplace Training.
Document Type
Reports - Research
A project investigated the integration of key competencies into workplace training in Australia. Part 1 of the project researched the work of personnel engaged in on-the-job training (OJT) curriculum development in five industries to find out how key competencies were being incorporated into OJT curricula and to suggest models to guide this process. Part 2 used action research at 22 sites to test ways to incorporate key competencies into workplace training and develop models for incorporating them into OJT delivery, assessment, and reporting. Findings indicated a typical work activity is composed of both industry-specific work skills and several generic skills. In a holistic approach, the development of key competencies would be a process of the trainee acquiring more integrated combinations of competencies while moving from school into the workplace. Key competencies were not all equally applicable or relevant to all jobs. They needed to be made explicit in training activities. The variables in a training culture and context had a significant effect on the nature of teaching key competencies. Recommended approaches to training in key competencies stressed the importance of integrated, context-specific training for developing skills and expertise and used key competencies to link on- and off-the-job training. The project identified a need for research to further understanding of key competencies in workplace training. (Appendixes include 60 references, project information papers, exemplars from curriculum case studies, and 22 case studies.) (YLB)