
Transitioning to a New Future with Equity-Based MTSS. Issue Brief #12
Document Type
Reports - Descriptive
SWIFT Education Center. 2020.
Educational Change
Equal Education
Positive Behavior Supports
Elementary Secondary Education
School Closing
Educational Environment
Program Implementation
School closures due to the COVID-19 virus have presented schools with the responsibility to make unprecedented decisions, and have brought many deep-seated equity issues in the U.S. education system to light. Now, more than ever, it is evident that outdated, one-size-fits-all approaches to education exclude the most vulnerable students, creating an education system where student outcomes can far too often be predicted by race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, language, and ability. Schools' reopening creates a unique opportunity to examine school practices, policies, and protocols, to let go of what isn't serving students, and to focus efforts on planning with equity at the center of the work. Students, families, communities and staff have changed. The system and supports must change. In order to create a future that is more equitable for everyone, educators must understand who is in their schools, what they can do based on their strengths and needs, and how they can do it. [Based on "Equity-Based MTSS: Transitioning to a New Future" with Dr. Hollie Peterson and Dr. Amy Jablonski, presented at Impact Learning and Leading Group's "Reopening America's Schools: Seizing the Opportunity to Reimagine K-12 Education" Virtual Summit.]