
Ethnic Heritage Conference: Women and Ethnicity Workshop.
Document Type
Reports - Descriptive
New York
This document includes materials presented at a workshop on women and ethnicity. In the first paper the author discusses a study of Title IX Ethnic Heritage Study projects. All but one of 22 projects funded in New York State from 1974-77 were contacted in order to determine if an effort had been made to explore the role of women in the ethnic group(s) studied. Results of the survey are presented in chart form. From the sample studied, it is evident that little attention has been directed toward defining and clarifying the experience of ethnic women in America. The author of the second paper briefly presents a case for including women's studies in the scope of Ethnic Heritage programs. Women have traditionally been ignored, stereotyped, or their roles distorted, in standard history texts. Only through the generation of information about all aspects of women's lives, work, and position within the context of ethnicity can a meaningful perception of a pluralistic society be achieved. This document also offers curriculum guidelines for the study of women's ethnic experiences. These guidelines would be useful for any teacher involved in teaching about ethnic heritage. Recommendations for revisions to the Title IX regulations, in order to assure the inclusion of women and the development of a non-sexist, multicultural curriculum are included. (GC)

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