
Behavior Management of Individuals with Severely Challenging Behavior in Rural Community Settings.
Document Type
Reports - Descriptive
This book chapter describes a program of the Two Hills Regional Resource Centre (THRRC), which provides support services to 39 towns in northeastern Alberta. The program supports individuals with severely challenging behaviors (such as self-abuse, aggression, destructiveness, and noncompliance) so that they will be able to live and work in their small, rural home communities. The chapter describes THRRC's processes and outcomes in five areas: methods of recruiting, training, and maintaining qualified staff; methods for establishing relationships with the community and educating the community; developing nonaversive strategies to assist individuals with severely challenging behaviors; assisting service providers in rural communities to develop skills to prevent challenging behavior and cope with it, in their own communities, when it does occur; and using proactive methods of behavior management. (Approximately 25 references) (JDD)