
Review of the Research Literature on Defining and Demonstrating Quality Teaching and Impact in Higher Education
Document Type
Reports - Research
Information Analyses
Higher Education Academy. 2016.
United Kingdom (England)
United Kingdom (Northern Ireland)
United Kingdom (Scotland)
United Kingdom (Wales)
In March 2016, the Higher Education Academy (HEA) commissioned RAND Europe to conduct a literature review of research published since 2012, with the aim of identifying and summarising the key trends and issues in the literature on how "quality teaching" and its impact are currently being defined and demonstrated at higher education institutions (HEIs). While the assessment of "quality teaching", and its impact in higher education (HE) have historically been neglected by researchers (BIS 2016a), the context around higher education teaching is rapidly changing. Excellence in teaching has become more entrenched in higher education policy and in the educational strategies of academic institutions, and increasingly linked to the performance and assessment of these institutions (Skelton 2005). This report, and the discussion on defining and demonstrating "quality teaching" more broadly, is particularly timely given the imminent roll-out of the Government's Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), which intends to assess and monitor "quality teaching" for all higher education students in England, and at participating institutions in Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. It will likely have a significant impact on teaching practice in the sector. A searchable Excel database (available from the HEA website) entitled "The searchable teaching quality literature dataset" contains the literature captured in this review and is divided into two sections: one tab for the literature that was cited in this review, and a second tab for the literature that informed this review. Both tabs contain the bibliographic information of all the literature contained therein. In addition, the tab for the literature cited in this review also contains information on what relevant themes are covered in each paper, as well as the national context(s) to which the report refers. An appendix contains the Methods, Inclusion Criteria, and Databases.

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