
Territorial Interests and Educational Policy.
Document Type
Reports - Research
Speeches/Meeting Papers
Educational Legislation
Elementary Secondary Education
Federal Legislation
Political Influences
Political Issues
Postsecondary Education
Tables (Data)
Congress is often ambiguous on legislation involving the interests of society's functional groups but is more specific on legislation involving territorial interests. Researchers tested three propositions about congressional action on territorial versus functional matters in education. The three propositions are that Congress (1) is more explicit on territorial than on functional issues, (2) decides territorial issues through consensus, and (3) is less likely to divide on partisan or ideological lines over territorial issues. Data were derived from analysis of 372 amendments in eight areas of educational legislation from 1960 to 1979. Review of the legislation finds that Congress drafts educational bills with greater precision when territorial interests are involved. This confirms the first proposition. The clarity of political consequences in territorial issues may explain Congress' greater precision. Findings that amendments on territorial issues are less likely to pass, have roll-call votes, be decided by close votes, or, once passed, be changed later, confirm the second proposition. The third proposition is confirmed by findings that territorial issues engender fewer partisan votes and fewer North-South, ideological splits among Democrats. Among the researchers' conclusions is that new federalism policies may involve territorial as well as functional considerations. (Author/RW)