
Using PC Software To Enhance the Student's Ability To Learn the Exporting Process.
Document Type
Book/Product Reviews
Reports - Descriptive
Speeches/Meeting Papers
Business Administration Education
Computer Assisted Instruction
Computer Simulation
Decision Making Skills
Global Approach
Higher Education
International Trade
Management Development
Professional Training
This paper describes the advantages of using computer simulations in the classroom or managerial environment and the major premise and principal components of Export to Win!, a computer simulation used in international marketing seminars. A rationale for using computer simulations argues that they improve the quality of teaching by building decision making skills; foster interpersonal communication; compress time; focus on learning; enhance student/instructor interaction; and integrate learning. A description of Export to Win! begins by presenting the three main objectives of the simulation, which operates on a 5-year time frame: (1) exporting makes good business sense; (2) researching and developing an international marketing plan is important; and (3) discovering proper export management will permit global marketing. Operational dimensions of the program are then explained: Memo--prompts action; Decision Panel--offers further information and asks players to make choices; Information Screen--presents factual and relevant material; Business Brief--presents a current anecdote; Decision--player must act; and Results of Decision--immediate and cumulative feedback. Table I provides the topics covered by World Atlas, a software package that can be used in conjunction with Export to Win!, and addresses are given for the publishers of the two products described. (Contains 3 references.) (ALF)