
Pathways through Graduate School and into Careers
Document Type
Reports - Evaluative
Educational Testing Service. 2012.
United States
Historically, graduate education in the United States has played a critical role in the success of the U.S. workforce and economy, attracting and producing many of the world's most influential researchers, innovators, and leaders. As demonstrated in the landmark 2010 report, "The Path Forward: The Future of Graduate Education in the United States," the link between graduate education and American prosperity has never been stronger than it is today. The current White House recently affirmed the central idea behind this conclusion, asserting that the economic future of the U.S. depends upon educational opportunity and excellence. In the words of President Barack Obama, "A world-class education is the single most important factor in determining not just whether our kids can compete for the best jobs but whether America can out-compete countries around the world." U.S. graduate schools are environments in which students acquire the skills and knowledge needed to compete in the global economy, as well as to solve problems of national and global scope. "The Path Forward" outlined a plan of action for ensuring that a diverse range of talented students are able to contribute to this work for their own benefit, as well as for that of the U.S. economy and society. These recommendations have garnered significant national attention and led to many transformative changes on U.S. campuses. Yet the report also indicates that individuals' work is not done: There is still a significant gap in their understanding of the next step in the journey, the pathways from graduate school and into careers. There are high stakes behind understanding this critical juncture between education and the U.S. workforce. The United States is generally recognized as having the most vigorous and dynamic system of graduate education in the world, but little is known at the granular level about what graduates do, how their work life progresses, and how well the preparation they receive equips them for the careers they pursue. This paper tackles these questions by examining the views of groups that directly observe and experience this transitional moment--students, universities, and employers. The distinct perspectives of these groups offer an unprecedented opportunity to better understand what these important stakeholders seek, where they find success, and where their needs and goals remain unmet. The findings and recommendations presented in this paper are intended to provide a broad range of U.S. stakeholders with new pathways forward that will support the future success of the U.S. economy and its people. (Contains 8 figures and 11 footnotes.) [For "Pathways through Graduate School and into Careers. Executive Summary," see ED531250.