
Criteria for Using Technology To Teach the Basic Course in Communication.
Document Type
Reports - Descriptive
Speeches/Meeting Papers
Educational Technology
Higher Education
Instructional Innovation
Introductory Courses
Speech Communication
Technology Integration
This paper describes the beginnings of a project to remake the oral communication general education course--part of the vision for the course is to use technology to help students learn course content. According to the paper, currently the basic course is taught mostly in traditional format (relatively small sections with set assignments), with some colleges and universities substituting for a course by having an all-campus communication lab with oral communication assignments within courses offered across the curriculum. The paper details how a faculty and graduate student working group investigated the state of interactive technologies and how they might apply to the course. It describes some instructional technologies used by different universities, including Virginia Tech and the University of Richmond. It also describes other developments in the project and concludes by suggesting a set of criteria for deciding whether and how to use learning by technology in developing knowledge and ability in oral communication. (Author/NKA)