
Creating the Conditions for Children to Learn: Oakland's Districtwide Community Schools Initiative. Research Brief
Document Type
Reports - Research
Learning Policy Institute. 2023.
Across the United States, policymakers, educators, and community members increasingly support community schools as a method of supporting whole child outcomes. Oakland Unified School District (Oakland Unified) in California has made whole child education central to its community schools initiative. Oakland Unified's community schools provide a wide range of services for children and promote practices that enhance child development. This research brief presents the highlights of a study which finds that Oakland Unified intentionally created infrastructure to support its community schools, including: (1) coordination of partnerships between schools and county-level agencies; (2) management of partnerships between schools and service providers; (3) training for specialized personnel, such as community school managers and student support teams; (4) professional learning for school staff; and (5) resources for family engagement. The study illustrates how these district-level supports enabled whole child educational practices within three case study schools. [For the full report, see ED630211.]