
Creating Accountability for College Access and Success: Recommendations for the Higher Education Act and Beyond
Document Type
Reports - Descriptive
Education Trust. 2019.
Access to Education
Higher Education
College Students
Educational Legislation
Federal Legislation
Equal Education
Low Income Students
Minority Group Students
Evidence Based Practice
As Congress considers reauthorizing the Higher Education Act (HEA), there is an opportunity to implement a holistic accountability system that invests in equity, holds campuses responsible, and protects students and families. Recent efforts to increase access to higher education have narrowed gaps in enrollment for students from low-income families and students of color, but gaps in degree attainment persist. Fortunately, research has consistently shown that, with concentrated and concerted efforts, with the support of willing leaders and alignment of policy and resources, institutions can close completion gaps for low-income students and students of color. Ed Trust advocates a holistic approach to accountability that will help ALL of higher education serve ALL students better. In this report, Ed Trust makes five recommendations to help Congress achieve this goal.