
Looking beyond Language Skills--Integrating Digital Skills into Language Teaching
Document Type
Reports - Descriptive
Research-publishing.net. 2017.
United Kingdom (Leeds)
The traditional focus of the language elective has been to give students the skills to communicate in the foreign language which has also been their main selling point. However, language graduates need more specific and wide-ranging skills if they are to compete in the current and future job markets. It is now widely accepted that universities have a direct responsibility to prepare students for employment and, in the 21st century, this preparation needs to include digital literacy and competencies. But how can students not only learn these skills, but also find ways to evidence them for a future employer? At Leeds we decided to explore these issues by designing a new "Professional French" module, linking digital competencies to assessment through participation on a blog together with supported use of digital media to create presentation videos. This article will discuss how we addressed, with our project, some of these questions and met student demand for more applied options on the French degree programme. We present our experience from the perspectives of the different players: tutor, students, learning technologist, and self-access centre manager, whose Master of Arts (MA) dissertation in technology, education and learning provided the data for the evaluation of this project. [For the complete volume, "Innovative Language Teaching and Learning at University: Enhancing Employability," see ED574244.]