
Mapping the Journey of Families Who Have Children with Autism through Social and Human Services, Medical, and Education Systems
Document Type
Reports - Research
Wilder Research. 2020.
There are a variety of services and supports in Minnesota for children and youth with autism who are age 0-21. These include services and supports provided by state agencies, including the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Minnesota Department of Education, Minnesota Department of Health, and the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. They are also provided by an array of nonprofit organizations, community groups, hospitals and clinics, schools, and autism centers that provide therapy for children with autism. This report describes the results of a Journey Mapping process Wilder Research conducted on behalf of the Minnesota Department of Human Services to learn more about the experiences of families as they navigate this system. This report provides a summary of what was learned from a wide array of parents of children with autism and system stakeholders. In this report, the authors present overarching themes, families' experiences in each phase of the system, and parents' reflections of their experiences with the system overall. The aim is to shed light on the experiences families have as they encounter the system of services and supports for children with autism in Minnesota.