
The Effect of Licensure Type on the Policies, Practices, and Resident Composition of Florida Assisted Living Facilities
Document Type
Journal Articles
Reports - Research
Gerontologist. Apr 2009 49(2):211-223.
Purpose: Most assisted living facility (ALF) residents are White widows in their mid- to late 80s who need assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) because of frailty or cognitive decline. Yet, ALFs also serve younger individuals with physical disabilities, traumatic brain injury, or serious mental illness. We compare Florida ALFs with different licensure profiles by admission-discharge policies and resident population characteristics. Design and Methods: We use state administrative data and facility survey data from the Florida Study of Assisted Living (FSAL) to classify ALFs by licensure type and to determine how licensure influences ALF policies, practices, and resident population profiles. Results: Standard-licensed traditional ALFs primarily serve elderly White women with physical care needs and typically retain residents when their physical health deteriorates. Some ALFs that hold specialty licenses (extended congregate care and limited nursing services) offer extra physical care services and serve an older, more physically frail population with greater physical and cognitive challenges. ALFs with limited mental health (LMH) licenses serve clientele who are more racially and ethnically diverse, younger, and more likely to be men and single. LMH facilities also have a significant proportion of frail elder residents who live alongside these younger residents, including some who exhibit behavioral problems. LMH facilities also employ discharge policies that make it more difficult for frail elderly residents to age in place. Implications: These differences by facility type raise important quality of life issues for both the frail elderly individuals and assisted living residents who do not fit the conventional demographic profile.