
The Construction of Interactive and Multimodal Reading in School--A Performative, Collaborative and Dynamic Reading
Document Type
Journal Articles
Reports - Research
Bodén, Ulrika (ORCID 0000-0001-6426-6957); Stenliden, LinnéaNissen, Jörgen
Journal of Visual Literacy. 2023 42(1):1-25.
Visual Literacy
Visual Learning
Secondary Schools
Reading Ability
Teacher Student Relationship
Multimedia Materials
Computer Oriented Programs
Secondary School Students
Secondary Education
Cognitive Ability
Content Analysis
Social Sciences
Visual Stimuli
This study aims to demonstrate how interactions between a Visual Analytics (VA) application and students shape an interactive and multimodal reading practice. VA is a technology offering support with analysing vast amounts of data through visualisations. Such information-rich interactive interfaces provide possibilities for students to gain insights, find correlations, draw conclusions and gain insights, but they also generate complexities concerning how to 'read' multimodal information on a screen. Inspired by Design-Based Research, interventions were designed and conducted in five social science secondary classrooms. The interactions between the VA application Statistics eXplorer and the students were video captured. A socio-material semiotic approach guides the analyses of how interactions between all actors (the interactive visualisations, the written text, the teachers, students, etc.) produce a reading network. The results show a reading characterised by being performative, collaborative, and dynamic. A combination of visuals and text supports the reading. However, visuals such as colour, highlighting and movement dominantly attract students' attention, while written text often becomes subordinate and sometimes even 'invisible'. Hence, this paper argues that it is vital for teachers to didactically support students' visual reading skills.