
Hand in Hand: Supporting Change through Practitioner-College Partnerships.
Document Type
Reports - Descriptive
Speeches/Meeting Papers
College Faculty
College School Cooperation
Educational Change
Elementary Secondary Education
Higher Education
Interprofessional Relationship
Partnerships in Education
Rural Schools
Special Education
Special Education Teachers
Teacher Education
Theory Practice Relationship
In rural northeastern South Carolina, a resource room teacher from a Hartsville elementary school and a teacher educator from Coker College supported each other during change processes affecting their respective programs. This voluntary 3-year association of a single college faculty member and a single classroom teacher was characterized by a friendship base, an open-ended "agenda," a true sense of parity in the relationship, and a mutual search for information or solutions to problems. The continuous exchange of information and ideas led to the development of a collaborative consultation model of service in the elementary school, and to a new college major to prepare teachers to work in such a model. Such partnerships have the potential to provide ongoing professional development and support to the special educator, while providing a way for the college professor to conduct "reality checks" of the preservice curriculum. Capitalizing on what rural areas do best, this model focuses on the efficacy of "people" resources as opposed to material or financial resources, and downplays the importance of administrative or institutional involvement. (SV)