
Culturally Relevant Education and Training for Communities: A Review
Document Type
Journal Articles
Reports - Evaluative
African Educational Research Journal. May 2018 6(2):88-93.
Culturally Relevant Education
Outcomes of Education
Institutional Characteristics
Community Involvement
Inclusion of people's cultural background in education and training is crucial for development. This article considers involvement of learning institutions in communities as a way of sharing cultural values. There is need for culture in aspects of education and training. This can only be realized by integrating communities' culture in generating knowledge and skills. Education and training change people's behaviour which has an implication on how people relate to their culture. It is important to provide education and training which are reflective of people's culture. This is a way of enabling people to embrace it, wholly. This paper points out the need for institutions of learning to collaborate with communities in a bid not only to learn from one another, but also to collectively share and find solutions to prevailing problems. Learning institutions are urged to use approaches that enable communities to fully participate in activities conducted in their areas. Communities should not be used for selfish gain, but to develop them to acceptable levels. Culturally relevant education (CRE) is a terminology espoused by researchers and academics. It makes a synergy between CRE and training for communities. This paper addresses relationship between education and training, effect of education, training for community responsibility and how to involve it in its own education. This is done against the backdrop that people are educated and trained but fails to make meaningful contributions to improving their own lives as well as those of other communities. What is surprising is that there is little being done in some cases to support this and systematically lead to its realisation. Among other thought-provoking questions, the article raises the following: i) Why is the education and training that some receive fail to have a trickle-down effect? ii) Is it because institutions of learning are focusing on education alone, leaving the aspect of training? The article advocates for institutions of learning to consider education and training of people (the community) as crucial aspects of development.