
Un pensar vulnerable. El ensayo de la precariedad en el campo intelectual español de la crisis económica (2008-2018)
Document Type
TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
Literatura contemporània
Literatura contemporánea
Modern literature (19th-21st century)
Filosofia política
Filosofía política
Political philosophy
Teoria crítica
Teoría crítica
Critical theory
Treball precari
Trabajo precario
Precarious employment
Crisi econòmica, 2008-
Crisis económicas, 2008-...
Global Financial Crisis, 2008-...
Ciències Humanes i Socials
Spanish; Castilian
This thesis dissertation examines the transformations of the Spanish intellectual field in the decade after the financial crack of 2008, and the emergence of an experience of precariousness - and its corresponding philosophical exploration. I propose that this transformation entailed the rise of new intellectual voices that convey what we can call a vulnerable thinking. To this aim, this dissertation is divided in two different parts. The first two chapters are dedicated to analyzing the sociological reorganization that the cultural field after the death of Franco and the gestation of a dominant culture that may be called "socio-liberal”. This culture was articulated around the newspaper El País, in alliance with the PSOE’s cultural policies and other related agents and publishers, and it polarized the intellectual field, managing to establish itself as a “democratic authority”. Secondly, this work examines some of the most immediate consequences of the economic crisis in cultural production and circulation that can be noticed in specific areas such as the university, the state management of budgets, the journalistic field or the role of the digital revolution in the ways of reading and sharing information. The third chapter explores the conceptual and philosophical horizon of precariousness that has been recently developed from theoretical perspectives by some thinkers, both international (Butler, Lorey, Standing, etc.) and national (Garcés, Rendueles, Pérez Orozco, López Gil, etc.). Also, peripheral notions related to this semantic field are addressed, such as “care”, “sustainability of life” or “commons”, among others. In addition, this work proposes an approach to various ways of political and cultural praxis that have emerged in recent years in a wide diversity of modes, like structures of mutual support, movements and collectives, such as PAH, 15M or “Fundación de los Comunes”, respectively. The fourth chapter is devoted to reflecting on the potential of the essay genre, while the last one deals with some of the current essay practices that I propose to think as conveying a “poetics of vulnerability”. These essays propose to put their reflexive writing at the service of a diversity of precarious experiences, such as eviction, lack or temporary employment, the specificity of cultural work as a laboratory for contemporary exploitation, illness or maternity. Through them, written by thinkers such as Zafra Remedies, Marta Sanz, Javier López Alós, Cristina Fallarás, Santiago López Petit or Jorge Moruno, we maintain that in these poetics a new intellectual figure is put into play. One that explores ways of exercising a public reason beyond the traditional logics of cultural or epistemological hierarchy or distinction.