
Trayectorias migratorias y socialización familiar: Las familias migrantes frente al riesgo de exclusión y malestar psicosocial de los hijos adolescentes
Document Type
TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
Spanish; Castilian
The global context in which family migrations currently take place, the serial modality that characterizes those coming from Latin America and the conditions of installation in the receiving society, constitute elements of psychosocial vulnerability that can affect especially the children in their migrant trajectories. In this frame, adolescents are particularly sensitive to adaptation to new socio-cultural contexts, given the centrality of extra-family socialization in their lives, being able to find different barriers, such as discrimination or racism. This research investigates family experiences in migratory and socialization processes, as well as in their responses to the risk of exclusion and the psychosocial malaise that this scenario poses, taking into account structural factors, available capitals and strategic use of them. The study is set in an interpretative paradigm and from the perspective of Cultural Psychology. Its qualitative, flexible design uses the biographical approach and the technique of life stories for the methodological approach, with biographical interviews being the main instrument for the production of information. The field work is carried out mainly in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, with five families (cases) contacted through local networks. It is concluded that in contexts of vulnerability and weak Social State, families rich in social and cultural capitals, cushion the risk of exclusion and psychosocial discomfort of their children, with certain improvements in the quality of life and recognition of rights, although with limits in the future perspectives of their children (linked to development in terms of education / work, discrimination, socio-family supports, etc.). For their part, the poorest families in symbolic resources are inclined towards trajectories of exclusion, and the parents consider as a strategy a new transnational mobility with which the children do not usually agree.