
Exposición al humo ambiental del tabaco y medidas de control del tabaquismo
Document Type
TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
Tractament del tabaquisme
Tratamiento del tabaquismo
Tobacco habit-Treatment
Fum ambiental del tabac
Humo ambiental del tabaco
Environmental tobacco smoke
Ciències de la Salut
Spanish; Castilian
Background: In Spain, up to 3,200 deaths per year were attributable to secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure. SHS has been associated with a variety of health effects among non-smokers, especially lung cancer and ischemic heart disease, and respiratory diseases. Hypotheses: 1) There is a relationship between exposure to SHS measured by questionnaire and cotinine concentration in saliva. 2) Exposure to SHS and salivary cotinine concentration are higher in hospitality workers than in the general population. 3) The increasing of the tobacco control measures reduces the prevalence of exposure to SHS. Objectives: 1) To describe the exposure to SHS in non-smokers from the general population using a questionnaire and salivary cotinine concentration before the Spanish smoking ban. 2) To compare the salivary cotinine concentration between non-smokers from the general population and non-smokers hospitality workers before the Spanish smoking ban. 3) To assess the correlation between tobacco control policies and the prevalence of exposure to SHS in the 27 countries of the European Union. Conclusions: 1) The prevalence of exposure to SHS in general population was high before the Spanish smoking ban and it decreases with the age. Salivary cotinine concentration in the general population depends of the number of smokers and the number of cigarettes smoked in presence of non-smokers at home. 2) The prevalence of exposure and salivary cotinine concentration were higher among non-smoker hospitality workers than in the general population before the Spanish smoking ban. 3) Positive attitudes (in favour) towards smoking ban increased after the ban among hospitality workers. 4) At ecological level, the Tobacco Control Scale scores were strongly associated with a lower prevalence of smokers and a lower self-reported exposure to SHS. Moreover, countries with more tobacco control policies have higher support towards smoking bans in all workplaces (including restaurants, bars, pubs and clubs, and other indoor workplaces).