
Prospección y caracterización agromorfológica, bioquímica y molecular de cultivares tradicionales de cerezo (Prunus avium L.), guindo (Prunas cerasus L.) y sus híbridos (Prunus x gondouinii Rehd.) de la provincia de Salamanca (España)
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
Tesis y disertaciones académicas
Universidad de Salamanca (España)
Academic Dissertations
Salamanca (Provincia)
Salamanca (Spain: Province)
Materias::Investigación::31 Ciencias agrarias::3107 Horticultura::310704 Fruticultura
Spanish; Castilian
[EN] During 2003, we prospected the two main sweet and sour cherry producing zones of the province of Salamanca: the “Arribes del Duero” and the “Sierra de Francia” with a view to locating the greatest number possible of traditional cultivars. For study, we selected a total of 33 cultivars (28 of sweet and 5 of sour cheery), distributed over 36 plots in the municipalities of Masueco, Aldeadávila de la Rivera and its satellite village Corporario, Mieza, Sotoserrano, Madroñal de la Sierra, and Santibáñez de la Sierra.In 2003-2005, we carried out exhaustive work on agromorphological characterizations, analyzing a total of 61 descriptors (37 quantitative and 24 qualitative) on the trees, one-year-old branches, inflorescences, leaves and fruits, and 5 descriptors related to phenology. As a result of such efforts, important differences between the improved and local cultivars were detected. It was also observed that the characteristics of four of the cultivars initially prospected as harbouring sour-cherry trees -Guindo Tomatillo 1, Guindo Tomatillo 2, Guindo Garrafal Negro y Guindo del País 2- were intermediatebetween those of the sweet cherry trees and the Guindo del País 1 cultivar, such that we postulated the hypothesis that they could belong to the Prunus x gondouinii Rehd taxon. Additionally, we identified 3 quantitative parameters (length of petiole, titratable acidity and number of lenticels), together with 5 qualitative parameters (seed shape and viability, shape of the central lobe and of the lateral lobes of the internal bracts of the floral fascicles, and colouring of the petals at the end of flowering) that were of differential diagnostic value for the three hypothetical taxa proposed.In 2004-2005, we also performed a biochemical characterization (using isoenzymes) of all the cultivars addressed in the study. In all, we analyzed 4 isoenzyme systems -PGI, PGM, IDH and 6-PDG-, which despite the lowmedium level of polymorphism recorded provided very relevant information for correct identification of the cultivars. PGM, PGI and IDH allowed us to clearly differentiate between cultivars of Prunus x gondouinii Rehd and Guindo del País 1. Also, PGI, IDH and 6-PGD revealed important differences among the Del País 1 or Del País 2 and Del País T cultivars.Finally, in 2005-2006 we performed molecular analyses using the microsatellite technique. We analyzed 4 pairs of SSR primer -UDP96-005, UDP98-022, PS08E08 and PCHGMS1-, which were seen to provide high discriminatory power among the cultivars, and even managed to detect clonal differences. PCHGMS1 proved to be especially useful for the characterization of cherry, sour-cherry and hybrid cultivars since it revealed a high degree of polymorphism (14 allelic fragments). UDP96-005, UDP98-022 and PCHGMS1 also allowed the clear differentiation of Guindo del País 1 from Prunus x gondouinii Rehd.All three types of investigation (agromorphological, biochemical and molecular) were well complemented and allowed an exhaustive characterization of all the cultivars studied. It was also possible to identify four taxa of the Prunus x gondouinii Rehd. taxon and confirm the synonimies Monzón, Boba and Garrafal Napoleón; De Valero, Moracha and Rabo Largo Negro, Del País 1 and Del País 2 and Guindo Tomatillo 1 and Guindo Tomatillo 2, and the homonimies Aragonesa and Ramón Oliva and Del País 1 or Del País 2 and Del País T.We also compiled a summary data sheet for each of the cultivars of Prunus avium L., Prunus cerasus L. and Prunus x gondouinii Rehd studied, in which their main agromorphological characteristics were recorded.