
Las controversias generadas en torno a las investigaciones de Adolf Schulten en Numancia
Document Type
TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
Excavacions arqueològiques
Excavaciones arqueológicas
Archaeological excavations
Protecció del patrimoni cultural
Protección del patrimonio cultural
Protection of cultural property
Schulten, Adolf, 1870-1960
Ciències Humanes i Socials
Spanish; Castilian
This thesis is devoted to the analysis of the controversies that came with the excavations performed by the historian A. Schulten in Numancia over a hundred years ago. Such controversies have persisted through time and are present in recent publications. In order to accomplish this goal we not only have reviewed the available literature, press and the already known epistolary documentation, but we have also incorporated numerous unpublished documents found in Barcelona, Madrid and Erlangen (Germany). These documents are unpublished correspondence between Schulten and both L. Pericot and the Marquis of Cerralbo and they belong to files kept in the University of Erlangen and to several archives of Madrid. The corresponding press has been systematically researched as well. In the first part we deal with the documentary bases used by Schulten, dating back to the Greco-Roman literary sources and reviewing the location history of Numancia in Garray. We have also studied the social environment of Soria at that moment, the circumstances that accompanied the arrival of Schulten, the activities of the Spanish Excavation Commission and the work done in the Roman camps. The second part has led us to analyze the activity of Schulten after Numancia, since that stage conditioned his controversial image through other peninsular scenarios. The third part focuses on the core of the controversy: the appropriation of the discovery of Celtiberian Numancia and the projection that Schulten had in the literature, especially after his death. The contrasted sources allow us to verify erroneous attributions. This confirms the initial hypothesis: modern criticism goes back to already overcome elements of the controversy and mixes them with other criticisms taken from other environments that, in the light of our analysis, become meaningless when applied to Numancia.