
Situación de la atención temprana en Galicia. Procesos e interpretaciones
Document Type
TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
Necessitats educatives especials
Necesidades educativas especiales
Special education
Atenció precoç
Atención temprana
Early intervention (Education)
Ciències de l'Educació
Spanish; Castilian
The completion of this thesis project is based on my professional experience in the special education field, specifically in the field of early care (previously early stimulation, precocious care). This experience was developed in the Galician Autonomous Community and was drawn from the realisation of a project for the attention of children with disabilities. The project handled and still does, the population existing in 5 Concellos de A Coruña (Municipalities in Coruña). In this study, following my professional career, I focus on the research in a very specific area: Early Care. Early Care is a term that tries to unify practices aimed at children between 0 and 6 years, and research and projects that have been carried out since the 70s, even if they don't take hold until well into the 80s. Although, it is with the writing and publication of Libro Blanco de la Atención Temprana (White Book of Early Care) in Spain in 2000 by Grupo de Atención Temprana, GAT (Early Attention Group) that these practices spread throughout all the autonomous communities of our country and they are constituted as a national reference. This research is a critical study that seeks to address the complexity of early care, not only through reconstructing the experience but also deconstructing it, in order to identify and understand "black holes" (Morin, E. 2001), resistances, paradoxes, contradictions, recurrences, gaps, as well as reductionisms existing in policies, subjects, practices, discourses and in institutions that have led the early care in Galicia. Thereby, the effort will be double, reconstructive and deconstructive. This critical dimension of my research is present because not only is an understanding of the qualities of the phenomenon intended. This research goes beyond a description or a hermeneutic, since it also tries to place transdisciplinary analyzes, make visible criteria that have guided the construction of discourse in the field, highlight epistemological conflicts, provide reasonable and context-sensitive analyzes, assess the impact of practices, denouncing reductionisms that lead to injustices or revealing the impositions of certain policies on Early Care in Galicia.