
L'adaptació escolar a l'escola Montessori: El grau de desenvolupament dels infants d'edats compreses entre els 16 mesos i els 3 anys en relació ambl la seva adaptació escolar
Document Type
TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
Educació infantil
Montessori, Mètode de
Adaptació escolar
Transicions educatives
Montessori Pedagogy
Education preschool
Catalan; Valencian
School adaptation and educational transitions might be considered critical moments for both children and families. This doctoral dissertation focuses on researching the following «how is the school adaptation of children aged 16 months to 3 years at the Palau Montessori School related to their stage of development? ». The three active agents involved—children, families, and schools/teachers—have been analyzed based on five examinations- The principles of Montessori pedagogy can be carried out in different contexts, while individualized attention warrants children's comprehensive and unlimited development. This, in turn, encourages that group-class changes—and therefore educational transitions—occur at any time during the school year. The environment that surrounds them, as well as their experiences, give them the opportunity to consolidate certain abilities individually. There are bidirectional influences between the family and the children, it is paramount to consider a triadic relationship in which the school plays a major role.
Innovació i Intervenció educatives