
A Systematic Study of Ia-CSM Supernovae from the ZTF Bright Transient Survey
Document Type
Astrophysical Journal. 948(1)
Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts: Supernovae (1668)
Type Ia supernovae (1728)
Among the supernovae (SNe) that show strong interaction with a circumstellar medium (CSM), there is a rare subclass of Type Ia supernovae, SNe Ia-CSM, which show strong narrow hydrogen emission lines much like SNe IIn but on top of a diluted Type Ia spectrum. The only previous systematic study of this class identified 16 SNe Ia-CSM, eight historic and eight from the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF). Now using the successor survey to PTF, the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), we have classified 12 additional SNe Ia-CSM through the systematic Bright Transient Survey (BTS). Consistent with previous studies, we find these SNe to have slowly evolving optical light curves with peak absolute magnitudes between -19.1 and -21, spectra having weak H ss and large Balmer ldecrements of similar to 7. Out of the 10 SNe from our sample observed by NEOWISE, nine have 3 sigma detections, with some SNe showing a reduction in the red wing of Ha, indicative of newly formed dust. We do not find our SN Ia-CSM sample to have a significantly different distribution of equivalent widths of He I.5876 than SNe IIn as observed in Silverman et al. The hosts tend to be late-type galaxies with recent star formation. We derive a rate estimate of 29+(27)(21) Gpc(-3) yr(-1) for SNe Ia-CSM, which is similar to 0.02%-0.2% of the SN Ia rate. We also identify six ambiguous SNe IIn/Ia-CSM in the BTS sample and including them gives an upper limit rate of 0.07%-0.8%. This work nearly doubles the sample of well-studied Ia-CSM objects in Silverman et al., increasing the total number to 28.