
What is “Culture”?: Kultursociologi og kulturanalyse. Pernille Tanggaard Andersen & Michael Hviid Jacobsen (eds.). Hans Reitzels Forlag, Copenhagen 2017. 604 pp. ISBN 978-87-41260570.
Document Type
Ethnologia Scandinavica. 48:224-225
Hälsa och samhälle
Health and society
This volume has the aim of presenting cultural sociology and cultural analysis in a Danish context, and most of the empirical examples are from contemporary Denmark. From a broad theoretical and empirical perspective the book takes the question “What is ‘culture’?” seriously. Even though, as we know, culture is in itself a difficult word to use, and there are many explanations of what it is and therefore no consensus, the two sociologists Pernille Tanggaard Andersen and Michael Hviid Jacobsen present in the introduction a short background to how the word is dealt with in the volume. Briefly, culture is seen as something transformative and something that we have “a certain freedom to choose or refuse” (p. 31). It is also a term that is operated in three different ways: (1) the descriptive culture term, (2) the complex culture term and (3) culture as praxis. There are definitions that go from seeing culture as something that can be demarcated, to seeing culture as something that people do and studying the different elements of action.