
Dimensionless scalings of confinement, heat transport and pedestal stability in JET-ILW and comparison with JET-C
Document Type
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 59(1)
dimensionless scaling
pedestal stability
heat transport
Three dimensionless scans in the normalized Larmor radius rho*, normalized collisionality nu* and normalized plasma pressure beta have been performed in JET with the ITER-like wall (JET-ILW). The normalized energy confinement and the thermal diffusivity exhibit a scaling with rho* consistent with the earlier results obtained in the carbon wall JET (JET-C) and with a gyro-Bohm scaling. In the pedestal, experimental results show that the stability is not dependent on rho*, qualitatively in agreement with the peeling-ballooning (P-B) model. The nu* dimensionless scaling shows that JET-ILW normalized confinement has a stronger dependence on collisionality than JET-C. This leads to a reduction of the difference in the confinement between JET-ILW and JET-C to approximate to 10% at low nu*. The pedestal stability shows an improvement with decreasing nu*. This is ascribed to the increase of the bootstrap current, to the reduction of the pedestal width and to the reduction of the relative shift between pedestal density and temperature position. The beta dimensionless scan shows that, at low collisionality, JET-ILW normalized confinement has no clear dependence with beta, in agreement with part of the earlier scalings. At high collisionality, a reduction of the normalized confinement with increasing beta is observed. This behaviour is driven mainly by the pedestal where the stability is reduced with increasing beta. The P-B analysis shows that the stability reduction with increasing beta at high nu* is due to the destabilizing effect of the increased relative shift.