
Study of proton and deuteron pickup reactions (d, 3 He), (d, 4 He) with 8 He and 10 Be radioactive beams at ACCULINNA-2 fragment separator
Document Type
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 541:121-125
Resonant states
Pickup reactions
Secondary beam
Fragment separator
The extremely neutron-rich systems 7H, 6H were studied in the 2H(8He, 3He)7H and 2H(8He, 4He)6H proton and deuteron pickup reactions with a 26 AMeV secondary 8He beam produced at the new ACCULINNA-2 fragment separator. In addition, the same proton and deuteron pickup reactions were generated using the 42 AMeV 10Be beam, and the population of low-lying 9Li and 8Li states was measured in reactions 2H(10Be,3He)9Li and 2H(10Be,4He)8Li, respectively. The latter were used as reference measurements in order to check the setup calibration over the excitation energy of 7,6H and to determine the real experimental energy resolution which was compared with Monte Carlo calculations. The corresponding results obtained for the superheavy hydrogen systems 7H, 6H are presented and discussed. Typical excitation spectra of the 9Li and 8Li nuclei are also shown.